Woody Leaderboard

Awarded to the golfer whose ball last strikes a tree, leaf attached to a tree or even a stray branch. Woodies are awarded with a quarter beer.

Some golfers strike trees harder than others
Some golfers strike trees harder than others


Player Woody
 Chip                                11
  Dwain                                   7
 Tarquin                                   7
 Bernie                                   6
 Chad                                   6
 Marcel                                   6
 Nick                                   6
 Grant                                   6
 Andy H                                   5
 Chris                                   5
 Jenny                                   5
 Gareth                                   5
 Ryan H                                   4
 Mike M                                   4
 Jason                                   4
 Damian                                   4
 Neil                                   3
 Ian                                   3
 Rich                                   2
 Andy V                                   2
 Trevor                                   2
 Waza                                   1
 Richard Lay                                   1
 Denzil                                   1
 Mills                                 –
 Wayne                                 –