Golf Played App

The GolfPlayed App

There is nothing a golfer loves more than beating a mate on the golf course. We have recently discovered a brand new app that adds a whole lot of fun to your personal golf profile, but also allows you to really see which one of your golfing buddies has played the most golf. The GolfPlayed App is an innovative social media platform for golfers. At its core, the app is a directory listing of all the courses you have ever played, anywhere in the world, and it even includes the weird and wonderful.

GolfPlayed App
A list of some of the courses I have played
The purpose

If you delve deeper into its functionality, it can add hole in ones, special moments, you can add pictures, create events and even track your rounds played. As the GolfPlayed App is rather new, we expect exciting things to come out of the development team in the coming weeks and months, but for anyone interested in seeing exactly how many courses they have played, this app is well worth a download.

Climb on board now, before the whole world wants this app and they start charging for it. It is simple to use, and great to be on.

GolfPlayed App
Even some of the pros are using this app

The GolfPlayed App – a social media app for golfers

My number – 92 and counting – mostly in Gauteng. But excitingly I now want to play some of those fringe courses I didn’t think were worth my time, just to tick them off the list. On a recent trip to the Northern Cape I passed on the chance to play Victoria West Golf Club. If I ever pass through again, I am going to pay them a visit. Despite the dusty fairways and oil based greens – just so I can add it to my list.

Words by Damian Murphy