Sean Mills

Sean Mills

Sean Mills - SOS Golf Tour Player


Sean Mills


15 October 1982


Broeks Poepka, Ariel, Ross

Handicap Index (August 2019)


Home Club

Parkview aka ‘The Home of Golf’

Favourite Course played on SOS

Parkview aka ‘The View’

Favourite Course played Anywhere

Parkview aka ‘Bobby Locke’s Home Course’

Bucket List Golf Course (yet to play)

St Andrews




Exotics 3w


Taylormade 2 hybrid


Titleist AP1’s


Cleveland and Titleist


Scotty Cameron Newport

Preferred Ball


Favourite Club in the bag


Strength in your game

Chipping, putting, driving

Weakness in your game

Iron play, occasionally putting

What you love about Golf

Beautiful game that teaches you patience!

What you love about SOS *

Fantastic bunch of guys who make even a bad round of golf worthwhile

What SOS says about Sean in 2019

Needs platform shoes for formal events, embarrassing to look up to ur Mrs

No effing idea how you matched on Tinder!

If Mills was a cricketer, and so was his wife, he’d be a women from the Sandton action cricket area, and his wife would be Ben Stokes

All the airs and graces of a true Alpha male but none of the pants at home to show for it

If only his running was as quick as his chirps!

is still looking for a friend on tour

If he’s as quick in bed as he is with a chirp – then I need his wife’s number

Kisses starfish or some shit.

The Millsy Golf Shot: a runner that just doesn’t quite make it


I just want to sa….. IT DOESNT MATTER!!!

Kisses your starfish if you make a mermaid wish.

actually mills you a good guy – i might wanna sunflower kiss you one day

Punching so high above his weight category… Sean must have a serious inheritance or something

Swordfights with Marcel on the weekend