Team Natural Hazards – Loser’s of the Year End Tour Finals at Zebula“I’m not so keen after last nights drinking”Beautiful and fast putting green at Zebula Golf CourseThe Year End Tour’s real surprise and funny guy, Brad CarterThe Tour’s own “Jimmy Abbott”Chad ‘I love Golf and drinking’ CampbellPractice on these lightning greens makes perfect, we hope?On The Range, Zebula was in perfect conditionBernie was in fine form on the Year End TourPerfect form and plenty of practiceAdmiring or analyzing?Why Can’t I seem to break 80?Drive for show?Bored of looking at Ryan Bernberg swing already.Could it be yet another picture of Ryan Bernberg?Marcel Du Plessis trying to get it right!Tour Hotshot, Gareth GreensillTour Cumshot Chip RobertsonStrike us a pose there IsaacsI got faaaaaaaaaked last night!The Natural HazardsDrawshank RedemptionTour Finals winners – Warwick, Gareth, Chip (c), Grant, Nick, DamianThe Guys who made the weekend ROCKING!SOS Golf Tour at ZebulaHow come Ryan is the Chocolate Fireman? Bad putting at GlendowerGrant Moolman on the other side of the CameraFourball number 1 – Drawshank win out in the comp, although were outplayed in the golfDrawshank dominate in a 7 & 5 winBrad Carter and Mike Moolman keep hopes alive with a good win for Natural HazardsWhere Chip likes to be – wedged between a princess and a firemanThis for double bogeyDamian whacking a monster, and driving the ballAnd Tarquin played this ball out and still made a point!Yes that is Tarquin’s ball 12m past the longest drive (314m uphill)The sun eventually came out on the Elements Private Golf ReserveThe stunning Elements Private Golf Reserve