The Golf Fines Pictures:
The Golf fines pictures are a collection of images from the Sultans of Swing Golf Tour. The fines were created to make sure that everybody has a purpose to play until the very end of the round. Here is a list of the golf fines that are awarded (and sometimes rewarded) to players taking part in the SOS Golf Tour.
Green and yellow fines not awarded during a game are to be taken by the Chairman. Red and black fines, as well as FUBAR fines are not fines the Chairman needs to take. If the golf fine is not awarded for 6 rounds in a row, the Chairman will no longer need to take that fine and it will be removed from the standard fines and become an anti-fine.

Green Fines: (1/4 Beer)
“OB WANGTANG” – If a player hits the ball out of bounds – (Shot of Old Brown Sherry)
“NYPD” – Nog Jou Putt Doos – whenever the player is told “still your putt” after putting his ball
“WETTY – BLUE TEE” – Last player in the water – hazards that are “dry” still count as a wetty tee, but standing rain water does not.
“WOODY – GREEN TEE” – last player to hit a tree, leaf or branch attached to a rooted tree
“SANDY – YELLOW TEE” – last player to end up in a bunker
“A GREENSILL” – awarded to any player caught urinating on the course
“A GAUGELER” – Losing your temper on the golf course
Yellow Fines: (1/2 Beer)
Failing to pay your round fee of R100
“I’M A TURD” – Four putts
“HITLER” – not getting out of the bunker
“FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS” – 4 rings or more in a round
“BACK TO THE FUTURE” – hitting a tree and returning to you with interest.
“BEACH PARTY” – hitting from one bunker to another
“SURF’S UP” – out of the bunker and into the water
“MARIO BROTHERS” – taking a cart when the rest of the Tour walks
“TOILET” – player may not leave the table during fines meeting without the Chairman’s permission, or they can take half a beer to go to the loo.
Red Fines: (Full Beer)
Failure to pay for your SOS golf shirt.
“LADY – PINK TEE” – this is for a player who fails to clear the ladies tee with their drive, or any subsequent shot after the drive. Hitting OB off the tee still counts as an OB WANGTANG and a ladies tee fine and hitting it into a hazard counts as a PINK tee only if the DROPZONE is before the ladies tee.
“TWO HALVES” – if the points difference between your front and back nine are 5 or more
“LORD OF THE RINGS” – player with the most rings
LOST BALL – for every four golf balls you lose in a round you must have a full beer
Unreadable scorecard
“BOX” – awarded to a player who walks between the markers of any tee box except their own.
Failure to notify the CHAIRMAN you will not be playing a round
Not wearing the year’s official SOS golf shirt
“OJ SIMPSON” – Getting away with a bad shot – A full Smirnoff Spin shall be taken
Black Fines: (Chunky Charlie)

“SICK NOTE” – not attending a fines meeting
“CHAMP” – the winner of a round on the SOS Tour
“GRUMPY OLD MAN” – not passing the seniors. Only applies to balls that have been hit in bounds and do not pass the seniors tee (OB, freshie and hazards do not count)
“FRESHIE” – if a player attempts to play his ball and it does not move. If it moves and comes to rest in the same spot, that is not a freshie. A freshie is a complete miss.
“CHUMP” – the loser of a particular round of the SOS Golf Tour
FUBAR Fines (F*cked up beyond all recognition): (“special fines”)
“THE DUP” – A Strumbler – someone caught blatantly cheating… they will receive no points, a DQ will reflect on their profile and they must take their fine like a man.
“ARMSTRONG” – a player is caught in the act of cheating on the course, but in the case of this fine they genuinely didn’t know – he will however NOT be disqualified, but will be docked 2 points. Or they can elected to have a Strumbler to avoid the 2 point penalty.
Losing a hat or a prop is a Crumbler for every round the prop is not replaced.