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Tough 16th hole par 3
Justin Stoop on Benoni Lake’s 16th
Benoni Lake Golf Club’s 10th Hole
Wayne Aitken shows the Tour how its done at Benoni Lake
Warwick Keet in action at Benoni Lake Golf Club
Trevor Rebello is the Tour’s talented Muso is also a great guy to play golf with
Tarquin Clark in action off the tee with his new-ish driver
Ryan Hendry nails his first drive at Benoni Lake
Eventual winner of the Benoni Lake Round – Ryan Bernberg on the 10th tee
Richard Gaugeler ready to bomb one off the 10th at Benoni
Nick Rebello on Benoni’s 10th hole
Grant Moolman in action at Benoni Lake
Justin Stoop in Action on Benoni’s 10th Hole
Justin Stoop in Action on Benoni’s 16th Hole
Marcel Du Plessis in Action at Benoni
Mike Moolman with a booming drive at Benoni Lake
Neil Beaumont chickening out on the first with an iron off the tee – It still went sideways
Gareth Greensill in Action at Benoni
Dwain Margro in Action at Benoni Lake
Chris Caalsen uses a “special” driver
Chad drives on the first at Benoni Lake
Chip Robertson in action at Benoni Lake
Andrew Hart in Action at Benoni Lake Golf Club